Sunday, April 5, 2015

Put My Hands Down

I've lived these days
Looking over my shoulder
At you, looking over mine,
And I am afraid of
What you'll see
And what you'll say.
You always ask too much of me,
And you take success for granted.
You take more than I can give
And drag me along,
Laughing when I fall.
But I can't stand up;
Can't leave yet.
I can't put my hands down.
I'm still too weak
To walk my own path, I
Haven't learned to fly

This is my first poem for NaPoWriMo2015! I'm running behind, but I'll catch up soon, hopefully.

My inspiration for this poem was the over-demanding nature of school. I'm really feeling a lot of pressure right now in that regard since it's the last month of the semester, and I'm taking 18 credits. There is just a lot being asked of me right now and I'm running out of energy to meet those demands.

I wrote this poem intentionally vaguely with a loosely implied metaphor for some sort of dysfunctional relationship, be it parent-child relationship, friendship, or romantic relationship. I like leaving room for interpretation in my poetry, because I like to leave room for people to relate.

Obviously, I pulled the title from one of the ending lines of the poem, but I wanted it too be an independent thought as well. The title is a command both to the speaker of the poem to make a definitive statement, and to the object of "you" of the poem to release the speaker from it's influence and demands.

The rhythm is meant to be like an extremely short slam poem if you read it out loud. Here is a link to me reading it.

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